Saturday 20 June 2015


I just realised that, the former "great ancient" Egypt as described in the bible was more powerful that the modern united states of America, then i said wait, let me investigate deeper , i then came to understand the following characteristics: 1)Ancient Egyptians never believed in the GOD of the Israelis 2)Ancient egypt was more powerful and richer than modern day united states of America 3)Ancient egyptians killed more israelis and discriminated them 4) Pharo did order his military to make sure that the Israelis did not worship their God 5) Ancient egyptians claimed they were the supreme race on earth and suffered the Israelis for decade 6)All the hard labour were carried out by the israelis and were paid less than the egyptians etc Now, all these characteristics are similar to what black America has been suffering for decades. The result is that, Egypt once a great and rich country country has become a deserted country, one of the most poorer country in the world, depending on handouts from other countries, the fallen and extinction of the great empire ....the future holds the same faith for today America, and i am looking at a long telescope where America and europe will depend on black people for their survival, yes i know feeble minds and stereotypes of short sighted vision.